#lukáš ondruš
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adridoesstuff · 11 months ago
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Jesus Christ Superstar (DJKT Plzeň production)
Jesus: Pavel Režný & Pavel Klimenda
Judas: Lukáš Ondruš & Dušan Kraus
Mary Magdalene: Charlotte Režná & Natále Dvořáková
Herod: Jan Holík
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adridoesstuff · 11 months ago
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I have to counterattack with this glorious picture from the same event xD
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pavel režný’s pose from my bereal you’ll always be famous 🧍
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sarcasticdolphin · 10 months ago
(Ask) if you had to build your ideal dream cast for Elisabeth, no matter how improbable and impossible it would be, who would you want to be there and why?
After some pondering, I will give you three answers. The 'serious' answer:
Elisabeth: Pia Douwes. The OG. She's amazing, and there is something about the way that she lives role that just makes me feel in a way that most other Sisis don't.
Tod and Rudolf: Oliver Arno. This would be very difficult in a theatre for obvious reasons, but in my heart of hearts I do want some sort of pro-shoot version where Oliver plays both of them due to the magic of editing. Preferably including Schatten featuring a mirror >:).
FJ: Jozef Hruškoci. He is just such an amazing FJ. The calmness. The adorkableness. I feel like most FJ actors don't play his range of ages as well as the Sisi actresses tend to play her range of ages, though some of this might be down to the fact that some fake sideburns are much better than others. But just he is so perfect.
Lucheni: Serkan Kaya. I adore Serkan in this role, and to some extent I'm always expecting his voice when I hear that "Ala Malora"
Answer number two, the DJKT version.
Mostly I would just keep the actual casting choices, except have Pavel K. play Smrt at least once (with Lukáš Ondruš as Rudolf). I want to see how he would do on the Rudolf-to-Tod pipeline. And I would give Pavel R. the chance to conduct and to make some sort of Jesus cameo. Or to show up in his Smrt costume at some point, carrying that scythe he got from the fanclub and acting like Pavel K.!Smrt's older brother or something.
And now answer number 3. The very unserious version:
To paraphrase a comment I once read on youtube, I want to see a version in which Serkan Kaya plays every role in the musical.
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homecoming · 3 years ago
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photos by martina root from the czech premiere of american idiot the musical.
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korkep-blog · 7 years ago
Gólzáporos győzelemmel nyitották az idényt a komáromiak
Szombaton, júlus 21-én nem csak a Fortuna Liga, de a II. liga párharcai is elkezdődtek. A komáromiak hazai győzelemmel indították második idényüket az országos bajnokságban.   Aki esetleg azt gondolta, hogy a tavasszal látott jó eredmény odavész a nyári felkészülés alatt, az valószínűleg té...
Szombaton, júlus 21-én nem csak a Fortuna Liga, de a II. liga párharcai is elkezdődtek. A komáromiak hazai győzelemmel indították második idényüket az országos bajnokságban.
  Aki esetleg azt gondolta, hogy a tavasszal látott jó eredmény odavész a nyári felkészülés alatt, az valószínűleg tévedett. A komáromiak, ha lehet, még jobb iramban kezdték meg a szezont, mint ahogy az előzőt befejezték.
  A liptói csapatnak az első 20 percben jóformán esélye sem volt a lila-fehér támadások ellen. Olyannyira nem tudták kezelni Olejník edző védenceit, hogy le sem telt az első fél óra, már duplacserét kért a vendégek vezetőedzője. Ekkor viszont már 4:1-re vezettek a hazaiak.
  A komáromi gólözönt Matić büntetője indította a 11. percben, egy perccel később pedig Mészáros András is betalált. A 14. percben még szépítettek a liptóiak Ľuboslav Laura révén, mire a 18. percben Mészáros, majd a 21-ben a komáromiak kapitánya, Samir Nurković is válaszolt.
  A KFC javára írandó, hogy 4:1-es vezetésnél sem vettek vissza a tempóból, hajtotta a fiúkat a győzelem.
  Egyedül talán csak a védelem soraiban lehetett néha-néha “lazaságot” látni, a liptószentmiklósiaknak nem egyszer sikerült besurranni a komáromi védvonal mögé, de a fiúk végül sikeresen korrigáltak minden esetben.
  A második félidőben főleg a sárga-lapoké volt a főszerep. A komáromiak négyet is begyűjtöttek a 45 perc alatt. A 81. percben még megvillant Mészáros András, aki így mesterhármassal zárta a szereplését.
  A stadionba kilátogatót egy rendkívül intenzív és mozgalmas mérkőzést láthattak. Ha a KFC minden mérkőzésén hasonlóan jó játékot mutat, ismét a tabella első felét célozhatják meg.
    A KFC Komárom csapata:
  Matej Slávik – Mihajilo Popović, Marcel Ondruš, Samuel Antálek, Patrik Šurnovský, Kristóf Domonkos, Goran Matić (C), András Mészáros (’84. Dávid Krisztián Szikonya), Erik Mikeš (’71. Roman Zemko), Lukáš Duda, Samir Nurković (’82. Roman Maximilián Kollár)
  KFC: Matić 11., Mészáros A. 12., 18., 81., Nurković 21.
Tatran: Laura 14.
  Komjáthy Petőcz Andrea
Nyitókép: körkép.sk/kl
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autoring · 6 years ago
Vyprodaná O2 arena bude ve čtvrtek svědkem hned několika dlouho očekávaných duelů profesionálního boxu a bojového umění MMA. Na akci "XFN Night of the Champions" se představí bývalý profesionální mistr světa v boxu Lukáš Konečný, který se do ringu vrací po více než čtyřech letech, domácí jednička MMA Karlos Vémola, jeho velcí sokové Petr Ondruš a Patrik Kincl. Diváckým tahákem je prestižní boxerský souboj rapperů Marpa a Rytmuse neboli Otakara Petřiny a Patrika Vrbovského.
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adridoesstuff · 8 months ago
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Pictures from the DJKT Dracula open-air in Lochotín dress rehearsal
Featuring Jozef Hruškoci as Dracula, Lukáš Ondruš as The Priest, Lucie Prágerová as Adriana, Martin Holec as The Jester and Charlotte Režná as Lorraine
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adridoesstuff · 25 days ago
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Portraits of Lukáš Ondruš as Judas, Pavel Klimenda as Jesus and Charlotte Režná as Mary Magdalene
(The halos are made up from tiny lettered Czech-translated opening lyrics to Heaven on Their Minds, Gethsemane and Could We Start Again, Please?)
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adridoesstuff · 1 year ago
Inspired by fellow contect creator @fitzrove I feel like I need to write about the way Rudolf was portrayed within my beloved production of Elisabeth from Czechia.
What I loved was that Rudolf as portrayed by both principal Pavel Klimenda and emergency cover and later understudy Lukáš Ondruš (who, btw, was principal Lucheni) was presented as definitely more complex than some of the German interpretations.
Rudolf got additional stage time, appearing for well over half of Rastlose Jahre and what was definitely showcased front and center was the sheer loneliness he is experiencing and how neglect from Elisabeth's side takes a toll on his mental health.
This staging incorporated the fact that Rudolf did do substance abuse, incorporating it into the staging as him trying to alleviate his loneliness and depression. But, once he does do it, it only takes him closer to Tod and yes, Rudolf is supposed to be high during Schatten in this staging, which is like a high fever dream.
But, at the same time, you can't help but completely empathize with Rudolf as he desparately tries to explain his actions to his father, as he runs away in tears from that argument, as both Franz and Elisabeth (and seemingly with them, the entire world) turn their backs on him as he asks for just a bit of understanding.
And the beautiful tragedy of both Pavel's and Lukáš's version of Spiegel. I'm separating them here because this song is where I saw the biggest difference in their portrayls. Pavel was overflowing with feelings, no longer being able to hold back a single word and tear, yet there was this rational streak in him, where he brought in a scroll of parchment when he entered for the scene (seemingly with written out things of what exactly he wants to say to his mother) and after Elisabeth refused his very tearful plea, where he sank to the ground at her feet, he seemed almost as if he was trying to find a reason in his head for continuing to live. And Lukáš brought in a Rudolf that was well into his adulthood so scarred by the trauma of Gondrecourt's military upbringing, that all the feelings he would visibly like to fully let loose were held behind this mental barrier where he visibly constantly had fixed what is proper and what is not and only after Elisabeth refused him, you could see this barrier slowly disappear into pure grief.
And I won't start talking about this version's Mayerling today, since this post would be twice as long, because this Mayerling was nuts. All I'll mention for now is that once Rudolf dies, the Death Angels surround him as he lays on the ground and create him a grave out of their wings.
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adridoesstuff · 9 months ago
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"Phone rings, door chimes, in comes company"
Fanart of Lukáš Ondruš as Bobby from DJKT's Company
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securityholograms · 11 months ago
I confess I am very curious. What would your ideal casting be for a DJKT production of Cabaret?
oh my god, first of all, I could yap about this for hours so thanks so much for the question! (edit after typing out a bit of it: it’s already very long i’m so so sorry)
For the casting itself, I’m mostly gonna ignore the vocal ranges because I don’t really know how deep or high the djkt people can go so take that with a grain of salt😭 and i’m going off of the characters that are currently in the production in Prague (so only one KitKat boy, but they could easily add “Victor” like some other productions have etc.)
Now the characters:
Emcee: You really need someone who’d be comfortable with the whole exhibitionist shtick and can carry the show on their back. I feel like Lukáš Ondruš could pull it off (it= being a creepy little guy) but my secret wish is Pavel R.😭the reasoning is just that I know he’d lowkey love the attention and he’s been getting all the /sexy leading man/ dudes lately, which is so valid for him, but I also kinda need more from him at this point and this would be it🙏🏻( # PavelForAFreak )
Sally: Naty Dvořáková would be great, after hearing her Mary Magdalene, I think her voice would suit sally really well and she’d drive the emotional ending home. If I wanted to give a leading role to someone who hasn’t gotten one in a while- Karolína Krausová, I really loved her in Píseň pro Ninu and this is in the same category (kind of).
bonus: If she hasn’t aged out of the role.. Soňa👉👈 she’s mother to me and this would fix me (or make me worse)
Cliff: Oh boy. this is a big one for me (clearly lmao) This might be an unpopular opinion but even though Cliff is kind of in the shadow of Sally and the MC, especially in the newest West End revival (soon a broadway revival) I really believe he’s the heart of the show, he’s the audience’s link to the characters, It’s who we relate to and who is, ultimately, the good guy. And so I think he’s kind of quietly what makes or breaks the show in the end (the emotional aspects of it at the very least)….
Ok, that was a long ass way of saying I’d obviously need Pavel Klimenda as Cliff ✨ He’s showed times and times again he’s really good at the “Am I gonna finish this or is it gonna finish me” sad boy agenda, so I think he’d easily pull it off and break all of our hearts along the way. BUT HERE’S where the real conundrum appears⬇️
Bobby: So if I assume we only get one kitkat boy, it’ll be Bobby. He’s the one who’s hooked up with Cliff in London and that affair kind of re-ignites when Cliff comes to Berlin. In the Prague production, Bobby’s wearing fishnets and heels (they’re HIGH heels) and I can’t really see who from djkt could slay in the same way Pavel Klimenda could. We’ve already seen him do the slightly more fem roles in Otřást vesmírem and Fun Home + he’s a great dancer, which works super well for Bobby.. Buuut he’s already my Cliff here so that’s kind of fucked and idrk what to do with this one😭😂
… ok, going back to Cliff, I think Dušan could do Cliff really well too (he has that sincerity about him when he wants to) so maybe i’ll change my answer to that so that it could actually work. And if I go even more crazy, Adam Rezner’s take on Cliff could be interesting🧐
Ernst: if I’m going off of the typecasting that djkt usually does(sorry ok), it’s Hruškoci and it’s not even close😭 My slightly more adventurous pick would be Pavel R., he needs to play a hatable character (that people don’t want to fuck) just once tbh and I think he’d appreciate the challenge.
Fräulein Schneider: (keeping this short) Stanislava Topinková Fořtová
Herr Schultz: hmmm i don’t know the older guys that well so i don’t have anything smart to say on this one 🥲
Alright so.. this is a fucking mess, if you’ve made it through to here, I applaud you. I do really hope that we’ll get to see it at some point, though🥲
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adridoesstuff · 26 days ago
Pavel Klimenda and Lukáš Ondruš together as Jesus and Judas. That's it. Them.
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adridoesstuff · 1 year ago
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Something Rotten! played it's final show in Pilsen today
Portraits of Jozef Hruškoci (Nick), Martin Holec (Nigel), Dušan Kraus (Shakespeare), Soňa Hanzlíčková (Bea), Lukáš Ondruš (Nostradamus), Pavel Klimenda (Minstrel) and Karolína Krausová (Portia).
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adridoesstuff · 6 months ago
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New production photos of DJKT Dracula (Act 1)
Jozef Hruškoci (Dracula), Lukáš Ondruš (Priest), Adam Rezner (Monk), Lucie Prágerová (Adriana) & Martin Holec (Jester)
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adridoesstuff · 9 months ago
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Some newly released pics of the DJKT guest performance of Company in Brno <3
(Lukáš Ondruš as Bobby, Lucie Prágerová as April, Hana Holišová as Joanne and Pavel Klimenda as Larry)
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adridoesstuff · 10 months ago
I'm trying so hard to not think about them (them being Pavel Klimenda and Lukáš Ondruš as Jesus and Judas and the absolute angstfest these two must be together onstage and the fact that I haven't seen this cast combo yet)
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